Welcome to Boho and Cub
A Mumma's Journal
Boho and Cub was formed a year after my daughter's birth. I'd always loved writing and putting my thoughts down on paper so once on the journey of motherhood the two combined naturally.
Now pregnant with my third, blessed with our rainbow baby due September, I can say that motherhood truly is beautiful chaos. It is a journey that you can never fully understand until you are living it.
Through visual storytelling, I take my Instagram followers and blog readers on a journey through raising my little one, the highs and lows, the real talk and the lessons I have learnt on the way.
You'll find a combination of mama musings, holistic play experiences, and style for the modern mama, hoping to empower mums to embrace the post-partum style, and their beautiful new body.
My purest passion as a mother is to raise my children to live a simple, wholesome life, to see the beauty in nature and raise them to be strong, independent thinkers with a love of protecting our Earth. I love to share tips on living a sustainable life and implementing these teachings to our young ones at an early age. To encourage our children to appreciate natures own playground, and value health and happiness over consuming.
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